2007-11-13 07:46:50 UTC
Amadinejad saw this data himself and it's what made him brave
humiliation by speaking out that the holocaust was totally untrue, the
data here will convince you the holocaust did not happen, including a
video onsite at Auschwitz by a Jew who also says the holocaust was
staged. All the data in this thread is solid fact, by public
record.You must learn that Jews are Communists, which is based on
poverty & depravity, which, is then, based on debt thus controlling
all money
and banking is required, and as by public record Jews control it all,
currently, as well as forever in history. Hitler stopped this, removed
them by honest elections, Jews from banking, by first removing
themfrom government, again, all by honest elections.
The Jews had to frame him due to his elimination of poverty (stopping
their global Communist conspiracy by poverty) by eliminating
international banking over Germany, causing Jewish bankers to have no
power over politics, or wholly over society, Jewish bankers were made
insignificant in his Germany, so Jews invented the holocaust by bodies
they produced by bombing Germany and most were German citizens yet
said to be Jews. The data URLs throughout are all factually based on
public record. The holocaust was done by Jews, who bombed Germany,
created typhus, and said it was gassing. They censored all the truths
on the Hitler websites at the bottom so you would not know the wonders
he created by eliminating debt and making all common people wealthy.
Allied bombers who were funded/sent by Jews thus controlled their
objectives made the terrible pictures you saw stated to be the
holocaust, not Hitler and definitely not gassing. The allied bombers
were ordered to take out vital infrastructure by the Jewish
funders,who knew that it would murder civilians and the prisoner
populations. This was done on purpose, the aim was to use the
prisoners the allied Jews murdered and say Hitler gassed them, once
German lines were overrunned by infantry. Depicting the destruction
and dead can be done and any story can be made up by whom is the
victors, that was not Hitler (it was the Soviets) and that's exactly
what happened. They made up the holocaust using bodies that died of
typhus that was caused by the allied bombers - controlled and sent by
Jews. Jews murdered Jews and blamed Hitler for it.
The URLs at the end of the post are most convincing in that they show
the factual irrefuteable social marvels & a world of panacea that
Hitler achieved for his people of which they had no hesitation of
fighting any war any enemy to protect what he created for them - a
real utopia by eliminating debt from the economy. No unemployment, no
poverty, no debt, no ghettos remained. One job sustained a family
prosperously beyond common expenses. The government was fully
participatory contrary to what you've been told and no authoritarian
form existed over the people of Germany. Because Hitler stopped
Communism dead, which is Jewish created and totally subversive, he had
to be framed visciously via the holocaust.
The data shows that the world was tricked to believe the holocaust by
Soviets who were the first to contact the camps, amazingly it was the
Soviets/Communists, that ran death camps themselves way before Hitler
so they knew precisely how to stage them.
Staging the holocaust had many goals, mainly Jews (Communists) could
steal legally under the guise of reparations - money for Israel. In
that region whilst being the aggressor they pose as the defender.
Holocaust victimhood allows posing as innocent while they
aggressively, steal, murder, plunder, and rule by effrontery. Posing
as the vulnerable sheep when they're the wolves.
The holocaust is big $$$ business (All money goes to Israel). The
holocaust is a stratagem, they are what intelligence agencies (OSS)
use to deceive the public continually to manage them. The OSS was
controlled by Jew Henry Morgenthau and also Jew John Hopkins leader of
Roosevelts brain trust. The terrorism of 9-11 is a Jewish created
The goal of Israel is constant instability in the middle east, using
posing as a victim in light of holocaust to perpetrate thus demand
continual funding from all countries in the world for the fighting
Palestine is not to be questioned or frowned upon, nifty how that
stratagem works! Trickery - due to Hitler and their horrible
suffering they cannot be guilty of anything.
Taking money from Germans for something that didn't happen is pure
evil, Germans today are still paying reparations for it.
Hitler ended Jewish rule by honest elections he won, and then ended
their debt-finance and the gold standard, and created his own system
of finance which was without debt - this took Germany away from Jewish
international banking thus they had no control over Germany and lost
those lucrative markets, war was the only way to take Germany back.
Framing Hitler by staging the holocaust was the response to him doing
this so no one else ever copies him and what he did, and it distracts
you from any intent on researching him and what he achieved. The URLs
below solidly prove the holocaust was staged, one is a Jew in defense
of Hitler saying it was staged, he's onsite at Auschwitz.
Amadinejad saw these videos and it's so convincing it made him brave
the guaranteed onslaught of public humiliation by stating publically
it was not real. The fact that the videos on the URL above were banned
from YouTube indicates a desire to mute the data because of its
Communism requires extreme poverty for the rulers to rule, as
demonstrated by Ayn Rand in her book "We The Living", which in the
prologue she stated New York City in 1934 was completely controlled by
Communist orchestrators arranging Communist atomic structure for the
USA (of government workings) using democracy as effrontery, is it any
wonder the USA was tricked to fight Hitler. Jew Treasurer of the USA
Henry Morgenthau ring a bell? What about John Hopkins leader of
Roosevelts brain trust - both Jews of many more traceable whom
controlled the USA and were the ones that instigated the USA into WW2,
and it is well known they were Roosevelts decision makers.
Communism operates on debt-finance which is a legalized system of
thievery based [currency] system, in that debt is always the valuation
of the currency (thus it's never stable therefore society is never
stable - Hitler ended this) and always more debt exists than currency
to meet it thus social problems guaranteed, this is all intentional
by the designers who are Jews such as Paul Warburg who authored the
USAs "bank" of debt-finance in 1913 it originated as "The Federal
Reserve Act of 1913" of which shortly after the great depression
occurred, weird huh? They did this exact same system to Germany of
which 6 million Germans were starving to death and unemployed, all
planned as a result of WW1, as the Communist party was growing rapidly
and seeping into everything - Hitler was sharp enough to detect the
subversion and stopped them on all fronts and then eradicated them.
Jew debt finance system (*usury*) of currency VS Hitlers debtless
prosperous system, understanding money creation and valuing takes
time, examine this URL it explains it all:
Once Hitler eliminated this system all Germans were in lucrative
prosperity. Imagine a ditch digger making 50K a year in todays
American economy, that's what it was like in Germany, except with far
less expenses. He achieved amazing social wonders that have been
strongly censored and the holocaust was used to distract you from
them. His government was a perfect participating government which the
prosperity (currency didn't fluctuate and only increased in value) was
Hitlers amazing wonders shown and irrefuteable fact:
I'm confident you'll see you've been conned by world Jewry, who seek
global Communism, by effrontery using democracies by debt-finance
(capitalism) to create poverty of which Communism is based.
humiliation by speaking out that the holocaust was totally untrue, the
data here will convince you the holocaust did not happen, including a
video onsite at Auschwitz by a Jew who also says the holocaust was
staged. All the data in this thread is solid fact, by public
record.You must learn that Jews are Communists, which is based on
poverty & depravity, which, is then, based on debt thus controlling
all money
and banking is required, and as by public record Jews control it all,
currently, as well as forever in history. Hitler stopped this, removed
them by honest elections, Jews from banking, by first removing
themfrom government, again, all by honest elections.
The Jews had to frame him due to his elimination of poverty (stopping
their global Communist conspiracy by poverty) by eliminating
international banking over Germany, causing Jewish bankers to have no
power over politics, or wholly over society, Jewish bankers were made
insignificant in his Germany, so Jews invented the holocaust by bodies
they produced by bombing Germany and most were German citizens yet
said to be Jews. The data URLs throughout are all factually based on
public record. The holocaust was done by Jews, who bombed Germany,
created typhus, and said it was gassing. They censored all the truths
on the Hitler websites at the bottom so you would not know the wonders
he created by eliminating debt and making all common people wealthy.
Allied bombers who were funded/sent by Jews thus controlled their
objectives made the terrible pictures you saw stated to be the
holocaust, not Hitler and definitely not gassing. The allied bombers
were ordered to take out vital infrastructure by the Jewish
funders,who knew that it would murder civilians and the prisoner
populations. This was done on purpose, the aim was to use the
prisoners the allied Jews murdered and say Hitler gassed them, once
German lines were overrunned by infantry. Depicting the destruction
and dead can be done and any story can be made up by whom is the
victors, that was not Hitler (it was the Soviets) and that's exactly
what happened. They made up the holocaust using bodies that died of
typhus that was caused by the allied bombers - controlled and sent by
Jews. Jews murdered Jews and blamed Hitler for it.
The URLs at the end of the post are most convincing in that they show
the factual irrefuteable social marvels & a world of panacea that
Hitler achieved for his people of which they had no hesitation of
fighting any war any enemy to protect what he created for them - a
real utopia by eliminating debt from the economy. No unemployment, no
poverty, no debt, no ghettos remained. One job sustained a family
prosperously beyond common expenses. The government was fully
participatory contrary to what you've been told and no authoritarian
form existed over the people of Germany. Because Hitler stopped
Communism dead, which is Jewish created and totally subversive, he had
to be framed visciously via the holocaust.
The data shows that the world was tricked to believe the holocaust by
Soviets who were the first to contact the camps, amazingly it was the
Soviets/Communists, that ran death camps themselves way before Hitler
so they knew precisely how to stage them.
Staging the holocaust had many goals, mainly Jews (Communists) could
steal legally under the guise of reparations - money for Israel. In
that region whilst being the aggressor they pose as the defender.
Holocaust victimhood allows posing as innocent while they
aggressively, steal, murder, plunder, and rule by effrontery. Posing
as the vulnerable sheep when they're the wolves.
The holocaust is big $$$ business (All money goes to Israel). The
holocaust is a stratagem, they are what intelligence agencies (OSS)
use to deceive the public continually to manage them. The OSS was
controlled by Jew Henry Morgenthau and also Jew John Hopkins leader of
Roosevelts brain trust. The terrorism of 9-11 is a Jewish created
The goal of Israel is constant instability in the middle east, using
posing as a victim in light of holocaust to perpetrate thus demand
continual funding from all countries in the world for the fighting
Palestine is not to be questioned or frowned upon, nifty how that
stratagem works! Trickery - due to Hitler and their horrible
suffering they cannot be guilty of anything.
Taking money from Germans for something that didn't happen is pure
evil, Germans today are still paying reparations for it.
Hitler ended Jewish rule by honest elections he won, and then ended
their debt-finance and the gold standard, and created his own system
of finance which was without debt - this took Germany away from Jewish
international banking thus they had no control over Germany and lost
those lucrative markets, war was the only way to take Germany back.
Framing Hitler by staging the holocaust was the response to him doing
this so no one else ever copies him and what he did, and it distracts
you from any intent on researching him and what he achieved. The URLs
below solidly prove the holocaust was staged, one is a Jew in defense
of Hitler saying it was staged, he's onsite at Auschwitz.
Amadinejad saw these videos and it's so convincing it made him brave
the guaranteed onslaught of public humiliation by stating publically
it was not real. The fact that the videos on the URL above were banned
from YouTube indicates a desire to mute the data because of its
Communism requires extreme poverty for the rulers to rule, as
demonstrated by Ayn Rand in her book "We The Living", which in the
prologue she stated New York City in 1934 was completely controlled by
Communist orchestrators arranging Communist atomic structure for the
USA (of government workings) using democracy as effrontery, is it any
wonder the USA was tricked to fight Hitler. Jew Treasurer of the USA
Henry Morgenthau ring a bell? What about John Hopkins leader of
Roosevelts brain trust - both Jews of many more traceable whom
controlled the USA and were the ones that instigated the USA into WW2,
and it is well known they were Roosevelts decision makers.
Communism operates on debt-finance which is a legalized system of
thievery based [currency] system, in that debt is always the valuation
of the currency (thus it's never stable therefore society is never
stable - Hitler ended this) and always more debt exists than currency
to meet it thus social problems guaranteed, this is all intentional
by the designers who are Jews such as Paul Warburg who authored the
USAs "bank" of debt-finance in 1913 it originated as "The Federal
Reserve Act of 1913" of which shortly after the great depression
occurred, weird huh? They did this exact same system to Germany of
which 6 million Germans were starving to death and unemployed, all
planned as a result of WW1, as the Communist party was growing rapidly
and seeping into everything - Hitler was sharp enough to detect the
subversion and stopped them on all fronts and then eradicated them.
Jew debt finance system (*usury*) of currency VS Hitlers debtless
prosperous system, understanding money creation and valuing takes
time, examine this URL it explains it all:
Once Hitler eliminated this system all Germans were in lucrative
prosperity. Imagine a ditch digger making 50K a year in todays
American economy, that's what it was like in Germany, except with far
less expenses. He achieved amazing social wonders that have been
strongly censored and the holocaust was used to distract you from
them. His government was a perfect participating government which the
prosperity (currency didn't fluctuate and only increased in value) was
Hitlers amazing wonders shown and irrefuteable fact:
I'm confident you'll see you've been conned by world Jewry, who seek
global Communism, by effrontery using democracies by debt-finance
(capitalism) to create poverty of which Communism is based.